The Pussycat Book comes out in English and German

Lou Willé: “Hello Pussycat fans,

After corresponding extensively with English Publishers and Agencies 92 in total, we received the attention of “Austin Macauley Publishers in London”.

I can say, it took us a lot of work, but we did it.

So at the moment we have a German Publisher: Angelica Gontadse and an English Publisher with which we have signed a contract for the Pussycat Book.

Yes, Harm Peter and I are very happy that it has come to this. And we can also say that we are extremely grateful to Luud Tilly for the effort he has put into this. Especially the translation work into German and English, where he has received praise for his translation work from the German and English publishers. I cannot yet say with certainty when both books will be released.

As soon as I receive the ISBN number for the German and English book, I will announce this”.

The English version is called: Pussycat – “The Mississippi flows in the Netherlands”.

The German version is called: Pussycat — “Der Mississippi fließt in die Niederlande”.

Greetings Lou Willé

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